Drag&Drop in Processor Expert

I have that wonderful project in MCU10.2 with Processor Expert using Embedded Components. It took me a while to carefully configure the settings, and now it works like a charm. I have another project and need the same components and settings in there. But how?

The magic trick is: drag&drop between two projects (ta-daaaa)!!

All what I need is to have the two projects open in my workspace. Then I select one or more components and drag&drop them to the other project Embedded Components folder:

Drag&Drop Embedded Components between projects

Drag&Drop Embedded Components between projects

The same trick works as well to duplicate a component within the same project: select the component(s), press the CTRL key and drop it onto the Embedded Components folder:

Copy a Component with Drag&Drop

Copy a Component with Drag&Drop and CTRL Key

Another cool trick is this one: Simply select a method and drag&drop it into the source file:

Drag&Drop of Methods into Source

Drag&Drop of Methods into Source

This will give me this:

Dropped Method Name in Source

Dropped Method Name in Source

Neat: No typing needed for the method name. Just drag&drop.

Happy Dragging 🙂 and Dropping 🙂